Friday, February 3, 2017

A New Adventure

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now.  In fact, I have a "secret" Pinterest board with who-knows-how-many (OK, 61) pins on blogging and vlogging how-to's. 

So, what was the push that started me down this scary and exciting road of blogging for fun? 

Short Version:
Heartfelt Creations's call for Design Team Members.

In Cymbre Speak (longer version): 
I found Heartfelt Creations last year when I was at home for recovery from the birth of my first child.  Whoot-whoot!  My husband kinda rolled his eyes when I told him I had found...yet that creates beautiful rubber stamps and dies.

"But this company is different!" I told him.  "They have rubber stamps WITH COORDINATING dies!  On top of that, the stamps and dies are pretty intricate!  And they have HOW-TO VIDEOS to show you ways to use their products!!!  They are a Christian company with excellent customer service!!!  And their angel policy is WONDERFULLY FREEING (you can sell what you create using their products without having to jump through ridiculous hoops or red tape)!!! And, and...." 

Can you tell I was excited?

So, my wonderful and supportive husband let me make several purchases from this fabulous company.  But there came a time when I...OK...he had to rein in my excitement/spending because we are a family of 3 on my modest income.  Note:  My husband is a Stay at Home Dad because it was cheaper than childcare with both of us working, and he fulfills his DAD role SUPERBLY!

Needless to say, I was bummed.  I knew we needed to save the money for needs, not wants.  But, there had to be a way I could continue enjoying the new Heartfelt Creations products while still trying to adhere to our budget.

Insert text from the 'Short Version' here.  :0)

If I can manage to figure out a way to make a decently nifty blog, use my Heartfelt Creations products I already have to make some samples of papercrafting pieces that do the product lines justice, and manage myself to make weekly submissions (all the while enjoying the creative process of designing new projects with quality products), I might have found the answer to my riddle!

I think I'll give it a try, with the Lord's help!

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